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Iris Gottlieb

Foreword by Meredith Talusan

Chronicle Books


Quatrième de couverture:


"All of us are shapeshifters.


Gender is an intensely personal, yet universal, facet of humanity. In this vibrant book, queer author and artist Iris Gottlieb visually explores gender in all of its complexities. With engaging definitons of central concepts, she mines history and pop culture for the stories and people who have shaped the conversation on gender. Looking through the lens of intersectionality, she explains how race, sexuality, and class interact with gender to determine our identity and experience.


Informed by Gottlieb's personal experiences, this deeply researched and brilliantly rendered book demystifies this fluid topic at a critical time. For LGBTQ+ people, Seeing Gender offers a space for self-exploration, giving comfort, advice, and reassurance in the sometimes confusing process of navigating one's identity. For allies, this book is an essential tool for understanding and thoughtfully participating in this necessary cultural conversation.


Whatever one's position, Seeing Gender is a must-read for curious, want-to-be woke people who are passionnate about changing the way we see and talk about gender and sexuality in the twenty-first century."

Seeing Gender - An Illustrated Guide to Identity and Expression

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